

Empower Customer Relationships

PatronEXP is a groundbreaking cloud-based customer relationship management which is currently in the pre-release stage. This innovative CRM platform is meticulously crafted to seamlessly connect you with your customers, enhancing their journey while propelling your business growth forward.

Next Generation in Customer Relationship Management

Our platform redefines how businesses connect with customers, offering unparalleled insights and capabilities to optimise every interaction and drive sustained success. Welcome to the Next Generation in Customer Relationship Management.

Sales Funnel Management

Maximises conversion rates, streamlines processes, and enhances customer engagement for sustained business growth.

Improve Customer Service

Facilitating issue resolution, personalised assistance, and proactive engagement to increase satisfaction, loyalty, and business performance.

AI Powered Insights

Unlock invaluable AI-powered insights into customer buying habits to gain deeper understanding, anticipate needs, and personalise experiences.

Intuitive Repoting & Analytics

Intuitive analytics empower informed decision-making by presenting complex data in accessible formats.

Process & Workflow Automation

Boost your business productivity by seamlessly integrating process and workflow automation features. Streamline operations, eliminate redundancies, and empower your team to focus on strategic objectives.

Workflow Management

Streamlined workflow pipelines, ensuring smooth progression, accountability, and productivity across your organisation's operations.

Lead Capture & Tracking

Track and manage leads effectively, optimising conversion opportunities and nurturing relationships for sustained business growth and increased revenue generation.

Process Automation

Automate repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and boost productivity with seamless workflow automation, freeing up time for strategic initiatives and innovation.

Comprehensive CRM Suite

Elevate your business with our integrated CRM solution encompassing essential fundamentals like contact and sales management alongside robust financial tools for comprehensive business optimisation and growth.

Contact Management

Efficiently manage contacts by establishing relationships, tracking interactions, and marketing preferences. Track changes with a complete audit history.

Sales Management

Load products/services easily, record sales, and processing financial transactions. Then report on performance and make informed decision-making about your business.

Financial Controls

Manage costs, implement pricing changes, and seamlessly integrate with your accounting software to stay in control of your finances with ease.

Ready to get started?

When you're prepared to elevate your business with PatronEXP, take the next step by registering your interest using the form below. Seize the opportunity to join our exclusive Beta launch and secure discounted pricing.

Interest in Beta Program